Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees
“Traincrew Representing Traincrew”

Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees
Traincrew Representing Traincrew

Talk to your local AFULE Representative or call your state office for advice on your health and safety at work.

If you have a concern about your safety or the safety of others including the public you can call your local representative or your AFULE state office and talk to one of us about it and we will advise you on the best course of action, whether that be steps you take or steps we take on behalf of the union as a whole.
You should make sure you follow the internal processes for hazard/incident reporting and make sure you keep a record of having done so. Keep diary notes of any incidents or behaviours that are inappropriate.

Call your local Depot Representatives, or Divisional Councilor 

Call your State Office – 07 3844 9163. 

Has there been a safety incident or is there a safety issue that affects you or another member/s of traincrew in the workplace?

If you have made an internal complaint and nothing has been done about it by your employer then you can make a further complaint to workplace health and safety. This should also be done if there is a serious incident resulting in a notifiable illness or injury. Visit the Workplace Health and Safety website for more information on what a notifiable incident is.

Click here to make a complaint or report an incident.

Do you have a safety issue you’d like to report that might endanger the safety of the public or rail operations?

You can contact the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) and access the REPCON reporting scheme via their website.

The ATSB is an independent government agency and conducts no blame investigations into safety issues with the aim of improving the safety of transport operations. Its REPCON reporting system is anonymous and the ATSB website contains information and examples about reportable and non-reportable issues. These include incidents, circumstances or any procedure, practice or condition that a reasonable person would consider endangers, or, if not corrected, would endanger, the safety of railway operations.

Click here to complete a confidential REPCON report.